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The Women's Business Momentum Center Conquering Fear

Breaking Free: How One Woman Conquered Fear and Built a Million-Dollar Empire

emotional intelligence the get it done business diva lifestyle

Fear can be sneaky can't it? It can show up as procrastination, over-busyness, or even addictions. It can hold us back in many sneaky and subtle ways.

As Susan Jeffers said in "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway," we fear beginnings, endings, change, staying stuck, success, failure, living, and dying.

What is fear costing you?

About 18 years ago a women attended one of my Women’s Success Circle's. She quietly observed the ongoing discussion on business growth strategies. Despite sitting at the back, she was attentive and engaged.

Eighteen months later, after regularly attending our Monthly Success Circle, she confided in me about a major business challenge. She shared that she was constantly asked to present her company’s value but felt an overwhelming fear of public speaking. This fear was costing her thousands of dollars in missed opportunities and a significant amount of energy.

It was clear to both of us that there were missed opportunities, energy drain, and regret at stake here.

We sat down and devised a plan to lift the weight of her fear.

I asked her to commit to three things:

  1. to be willing to be vulnerable with me.
  2. to invest time in brainstorming, writing, and rehearsing
  3. and to commit to a deadline for her first speaking engagement.

This plan led to her delivering a 45-minute presentation over sixty times in a year, transitioning from webinars to in-person events. She moved from feeling pinned down by fear to speaking confidently at industry events, including at the state capitol.

Since facing her fears, she has grown her business from a single office to multiple million-dollar enterprises with dozens of locations and employees. She has spoken at numerous prestigious venues, including the United Nations.

Every step, she visualized success and progressed from one 90 Day Plan we created to the next. Moving from one level of greatness to another.

Recently, she texted me from Necker Island, where Richard Branson had invited her to speak. She accepted with confidence and joy, no longer feeling the weight of fear on her shoulders.

Is fear holding you back?

What could you achieve if you faced your fears and embraced your opportunities and goals full on

Please don’t let fear hold you back any longer.

Here are three questions to help you identify and tackle your fears:

  1. What opportunities are you missing because of fear? Reflect on situations where fear has held you back from taking action.
  2. How does fear show up in your life? Identify whether it manifests as procrastination, over-busyness, or other behaviors.
  3. What steps can you take to face your fears head-on? Consider small, actionable steps to move past your fears and achieve your goals like the ones I laid out with my client.

Are you ready to conquer your fears and unlock your greatness?

My Monthly Success Circles, from 18 years ago, blossomed into a community of women I call The Momentum Squad. Now instead of monthly, we all meet each week for an action, inspiration and accountability session called Weekly Momentum. And we create and implement 90 Day Plans together.

We are looking for 50 women to expand our community so we can all achieve more than we ever thought possible. And shine our lights brightly in the world, like my client in the story I shared above.

If you would like to face your fears, increase your productivity and your profitability of your business then you might consider joining us.

You could be on our next Weekly Momentum call on Monday if you like!

Simply click here to join The Momentum Squad today!

And don't forget…

"Greatness is a Habit, NOT a Hustle!"

Marianne Emma Jeff | The Get it Done Diva
Founder, The Women’s Business Momentum Center



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