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Just Tell Me What to Do: The Business Dilemma (and Why Drinking Through It Doesn't Work)

strategic planning for business

It’s 10 am on a Sunday. I push the empty huevos rancheros plate to the side and pour the last drops of champagne into my glass. My husband, across the table, already has his trademark rum and Dr. Pepper in hand. I grab a two-liter bottle of red wine from the kitchen, along with a fresh glass, and sit down again.*

*I look him squarely in the eye. “Okay, we’re going to sit here and drink until we figure this out.” He laughs, playing along, “Alright then.”*

Three hours later, the wine is gone, and I’m well into the vodka. We’re both blazing drunk—and I’m still no closer to knowing what my business niche is.

Having a business is like facing a never-ending series of choice points that feel like brick walls, standing in the way of growth until you manage to solve them.

The questions can be relentless:

  • What’s my niche?
  • Who is my ideal customer?
  • How can I find more hours in the day?
  • How can I be more productive with my time?
  • How can I work less *in* my business and more *on* my business?
  • When is the best time to hire my first employee?
  • How do I know when to fire an employee?
  • How can I communicate with my team better?
  • What should I delegate?
  • How can my business run better without me?

These nagging questions keep you awake at night, often causing everything else to come to a screeching halt until you figure them out. The irony? The more energy you pour into attempting to solve your problem, the more it seems to shrink away from you—like an introvert on the red carpet at the Oscars.

Meanwhile, life piles up around you. Dirty dishes, unfinished bookkeeping, that new email marketing software—everything waits. Waiting for you to figure out the answer to *the question.*

And when the clarity finally comes, it’s the sweetest, most delightful feeling in the world. You can stay up for hours, excited and focused, forging forward with new energy. You’re alive, vibrant, on fire.

Until you hit the next damn question—and everything screeches to a stop again.

It might be years between these roadblocks, or more likely, just weeks. But at some point, you realize that these choice points are the milestones of business growth. And that it might be a good idea to figure out a healthy strategy to solve them.

Because let’s face it—drinking through them doesn’t work. I quit that approach when I turned 40 (14 years ago), and my track record is much better now.

So, what does work? The answer might surprise you: more questions. It seems counterintuitive, right? But the main challenge you’re facing—that question keeping you up at night—isn’t really a question at all.

Yep, that’s right. This whole time, it’s been fooling you. Beneath the villainous facade of that “question” lies the answer, hidden within a series of smaller questions. When asked in the right way, at the right time, these questions unlock the solution you’ve been desperately seeking—and they can even make this whole process of growth *fun.*

What? Fun? Yes, fun.

So, how do you figure out the right questions? Just start with what do you want? Then keep asking. It may take a while but it's worth it and along the way you may very well have some of those awesome "aha" moments if you are lucky.

Quick tip: I suggest getting someone else to ask you these questions—it works better that way.

And by now, I'm pretty good at it, so if you want help, why not join The Momentum Squad, and we can hop on a private coaching session to create some Momentum together.

Trust me it's way more fun with a partner in crime.

Remember, no more drinking through it. There's a better way forward—and it's one that leads to clarity, growth, and yes, even a bit of fun along the way.

๐Ÿ’ก ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ Click here to join The Momentum Squad today. Get two private coaching sessions with me EVERY 90 days!

That way we keep all those pesky questions in check before they get too big and ugly.



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