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Rediscover Your Value: A Magical Evening from Last Year's Retreat ✨

emotional intelligence strategic planning for business the get it done business diva lifestyle

I wanted to share something special with you today. Last year at our Annual Reset Retreat, the ladies and I had an evening that was nothing short of magical.

Picture this: We’re seated around a beautifully set table with a large window overlooking the ocean πŸŒ….

The sun is setting, casting a warm, golden glow over us.

The air is filled with the mouth-watering aromas of delicious food 🍽️, laughter πŸ˜‚, and the echoes of our "aha" moments from the day's sessions on 10x-ing our businesses and the power of saying no to say yes to what truly matters.

We engaged in an exercise that is now a MUST at every retreat!

Here is what we did. One by one we went around the table and each person shared one thing they loved about you, and we each made a list of these wonderful qualities. After we had gone around the table everyone had a nice long list of things to hold on to for the coming year.

❀️ It was a simple, yet powerful, exercise that required us to take in and truly embrace the positive value others see in us and what we do in the world.

πŸ‘  As women in business, we are often so focused on growth and overcoming challenges that we can lose sight of our own worth.

πŸ‘©πŸ½‍πŸ’» It's so easy to get caught up in what's not working and the constant busyness and forget to take a moment to celebrate who we are and how far we have come.

πŸ”Ÿ Having a list of 10 things people value about is like gold ✨, especially in those tough moments.

It could be just the thing that helps you pick yourself up and keep moving forward, so that you can continue to shine your light in the world.

That night we completed this exercise was truly magical. I keep my scribbled two-page list close at hand.

It reminds me of the qualities others value in me: like my ability to challenge and inspire others, my compassion and understanding, and my genuine listening skills πŸ‘‚.

  • They shared with me they appreciated my knack for cutting through the bullshit (their words) and making them feel safe.
  • They told me they valued my non-judgmental nature and the welcoming, honest community I helped create.
  • They highlighted my leadership, my love and commitment, my curiosity, and my continuous learning and growth πŸ“š.
  • They admired my creative problem-solving, my openness and vulnerability, and my dedication to helping them find solutions.

As we reach the halfway point of the year, it's a perfect time to remind yourself of YOUR value. I encourage you to ask the people you trust and admire in your life to share what they appreciate about you. I know it might be difficult and feel uncomfortable, we all felt that way at first when we went around the table. And it is so worth it, trust me.

Write down your list of 10 things and refer to it often. It’s a wonderful way to recharge your confidence and focus.

And, if this story resonates with you, I would love to invite you to join me at the 2025 Annual Retreat in January. This luxury retreat is the perfect way to recharge as you step into a new year. And you and I both know that you absolutely deserve it πŸ’Œ

Click here to find out more.

During our Annual Reset Retreat we will revisit this exercise over dinner on night two. This annual reset is a wonderful opportunity to come together with a group of amazing women to create a roadmap for the next year. I will lead you step by step through the annual reset process to set clear goals and projects for then next year with plenty of time to recharge, refocus, and fill ourselves up too πŸ’ͺ.

I hope to see you at The Annual Reset to share in another magical experience.

P.S. If you have any questions about the retreat or anything else, just hit reply. I personally respond to every email. πŸ’Œ

Here is to your unstoppable momentum,

The Get it Done Diva
(Marianne Emma Jeff)

And don't forget…

"Greatness is a Habit, NOT a Hustle!"

Xo, Marianne



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