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The Momentum Squad and the 7/11 Rule

The 7/11 Rule: Assumptions, Fear, and Achieving Your Goals

emotional intelligence

Did you know that neuroscientists at New York University and Harvard University found that we make up to eleven assumptions about someone within just seven seconds of meeting them? 

This is known as the 7/11 Rule (not to be confused with the convenience store).

Here are the assumptions they found:

  1. Education level

  2. Economic level

  3. Perceived credibility, believability, competence, and honesty

  4. Trustworthiness

  5. Level of sophistication

  6. Sex role identification (gender identity)

  7. Level of success

  8. Political background

  9. Religious background

  10. Ethnic background

  11. Social/professional/sexual desirability

After those first seven seconds, they discovered that we then spend the rest of the time looking for evidence to prove whether our original impression is true or not.

Now, let's connect this information to something even more powerful: the impact of fear on how well we achieve our goals. 

In 1971, Professor Albert Mehrabian at UCLA introduced the 7–38–55 Rule, showing how we communicate:

  • 7% through spoken words

  • 38% through tone of voice

  • 55% through body language

When we fear something, like public speaking (which affects about 25% of people), networking in social situation or sales conversations that fear may present itself in our body in ways like a rapid heartbeat, trembling, sweating, and a general urge to run away, avoid or “procrastinate”. 

Fear can limit our ability to get stuff done, connect with others and  make sales.  It moves us away from our goals.

On top of that, when we experience fear, our body language changes—we widen our eyes, raise our eyebrows, and flare our nostrils. 

Because 55% of our communication is non-verbal, this fearful body language can make us appear angry, indifferent, bored, disgusted, guilty, or arrogant. 

These emotions and their associated body language typically push customers away, undermining our ability to connect and communicate. Which can make it pretty difficult to achieve many of our goals (especially as business owners).

No matter how good we think we are at hiding it, fear does not go unnoticed. Instead, it sabotages your productivity (and profitability) like cancer.

If you're finding that fear is getting in the way of your progress toward your 90-Day or Annual Goals (or even of setting them), it might be time to consider joining a community that supports, inspires, and helps you shift out of fear and into action, productivity, and profitability.

If you don't have one in mind already then check out The Momentum Squad.  I have been leading amazing women in business in this weekly strategic coaching mastermind group (and inspiring and fear busting community) for almost 20 years! 

You can find out more here: The Momentum Squad

 Shift your fear into clarity, confidence and commitment as you increase your productivity and your profitability at The Momentum Squad!

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"Greatness is a Habit, NOT a Hustle!"



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