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The P-Word

emotional intelligence

I hope you're ready to take on the world because today, we're diving into something big.

Yep, we're talking about that sneaky elephant in the room—the P-word. You know it as procrastination, but let's give it a fun twist and call it what it is: "the stuff I didn't do."

Fear is a master of disguise. It doesn't always look like nail-biting, hiding-under-the-covers fear.

And OFTEN, it shows up as procrastination disguised by busyness, putting others first, or even distractions like food, caffeine, or binge-watching Netflix. πŸΏβ˜•οΈ

“Procrastination” has more than fifty shades, and so it's likely holding you back in at least one area of your life.

The most common way people avoid their greatness? Procrastination. Or as I like to call it, "The P-word." But is procrastination even real?

The most effective thing you can do is simple!

Face procrastination head-on and call it what it is.

You see under all it's scary costumes, procrastination is just another way of saying…

“the stuff I didn't do!”

This simple step lightens the emotional load and makes procrastination less scary.

It simplifies things: we're either doing something, or we're not. No more labeling ourselves as "procrastinators" and feeling stuck. It's just about action or inaction. 🎯

Personally, I don't believe in the label "procrastinator." Words like that can make us feel trapped. For many, saying “I'm a procrastinator” is just lazy language, not actual laziness.

FYI Procrastination sneaks in when we get distracted or pulled away from our activities. If we're not careful, we can end up with a long list of unfinished business. πŸ“‹ Keep an eye on when and how you are being distracted to get out ahead of The P-Word!

By the way, you can learn more about labels and language in the chapter on the language of greatness in my #1 Best Seller Daily Momentum. πŸ“š

So just know, whenever I mention the mythical beast of procrastination…

I'm simply talking about putting things off or not doing things as quickly as we'd like.

So are you ready to tackle the P-word and boost your momentum?

Here is to your unstoppable momentum,

The Get it Done Diva
(Marianne Emma Jeff)

P.S. Looking for a Weekly Strategic Business Coaching Mastermind? Join me every Monday at 8 am (PST) for Weekly Momentum sessions. Click here to find out more.

Let's keep the momentum going and support each other in achieving our goals! πŸš€πŸ™Œ

You got this! πŸ’ͺ


Shift your fear and procrastination into clarity, confidence and commitment as you increase your productivity and your profitability at The Momentum Squad!

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"Greatness is a Habit, NOT a Hustle!"



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