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Why What You're NOT Doing Matters

emotional intelligence game changing habits strategic planning for business

Every day, we take score—consciously or unconsciously.

There's a moment (often when we are attempting to go to sleep) when we decide if what we did that day was enough.

But how do we take score?

A lot of times, we're taking score based on the last few things that happened or maybe some pivotal event that took place that day.

But every day, we do a lot of stuff, and much of it flies under our radar.

So, here we are playing a game and keeping score, but it's not actually a winnable game because we don't know the rules.

Crazy right! Maybe you already figured this out but for me a couple of years ago it was a revelation.

One day as I was putting together my daily to-do list I realized that if there is stuff that I want to do, then I have to choose NOT to do other stuff to make room for it.

Because whether you take the time to choose or it just happens, some stuff on your to-do list will not get done.

So, what is the solution?

A NOT-To-Do List!

If we only have a to-do list, all the things on the list are like a chorus chanting, “Do me, do me, do me!” We can't see what's important, and then we typically end up feeling guilty at the end of the day when we don't do some of the things on the list.

But we've carried the weight of our long to-do list with us the whole day.

The day would be much lighter if we put down the weight of some of the items that are NOT going to get done earlier.


A NOT-To-Do List makes not-doing-stuff a deliberate choice.

Having a NOT-To-Do List allows us to make those sometimes-difficult choices of what to do and NOT do sooner rather than later.

We can deliberately decide how heavy or light we want our day to be.

Just thinking about having a NOT-To-Do List is going to help you create more breathing space in your day.

For years, I battled with being overly busy and overpromising. I honestly believe it is an addiction especially for women in business.

Having a NOT-To-Do-List helps me to under-promise, I find peace of mind and deliver better work.

This simple tool has been a game-changer for me.

If there's something I want to do, I now see I must choose NOT to do other things to make room for it.

Instead of carrying the weight and pressure of a long to-do list all day, the NOT-To-Do List allows us to decide what not to do in the morning, lightening our load for the day.

And you will be blown away by the increase in productivity you see when you start to create a daily NOT-To-Do List.

Creating a NOT-To-Do List

  1. Every morning, brainstorm everything you could do that day.
  2. Create two lists: a to-do list and a NOT-To-Do List.
  3. Commit fully to the items on your to-do list.
  4. Give yourself permission not to do everything.

This simple process helps us design a winnable game for our day.

Start small, maybe just one item on your NOT-To-Do List each day. By deliberately choosing what not to do, you'll create more space for greatness today and tomorrow.

As we take score weekly and daily, it's critical to also set clear goals and projects for each quarter.

Because in order to know what NOT to do, we also need to know what's important and what to do.


Can I help you with that?

Let me help you create a roadmap for the next 90 days so you can easily identify your to-do's and not-to-do's. When you join my strategic mastermind group - The Momentum Squad - I'm offering two private 1:1 coaching sessions to help you set up your 90-day plan and identify three custom metrics to track.

Plus, you'll get weekly strategic mastermind sessions with all members via Zoom and a stunning 90-day planner delivered to your door to keep you focused and on target.

Join the Momentum Squad today and together let's make your next 90-Days the most productive and prosperous yet.

If you're ready to make the next 90-Day cycle your best yet and would like 1:1 coaching to help you set up your next (or first) 90-day plan, I'd love to help you.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ Click here to join me in The Momentum Squad today :)

Here is to your unstoppable momentum,

The Get it Done Diva
(Marianne Emma Jeff)

And don't forget…

"Greatness is a Habit, NOT a Hustle!"

Xo, Marianne



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