I've been sloppy about this. Have you? strategic planning for business

Fifteen years ago, I stood in front of a small group of women at the Women's City Club in Pasadena, armed with a flip chart and a message that would later become one of my most powerful presentations.

The premise was simple.


I spoke about how so many of us "accidentally" become...

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Just Tell Me What to Do: The Business Dilemma (and Why Drinking Through It Doesn't Work) strategic planning for business

It’s 10 am on a Sunday. I push the empty huevos rancheros plate to the side and pour the last drops of champagne into my glass. My husband, across the table, already has his trademark rum and Dr. Pepper in hand. I grab a two-liter bottle of red wine from the kitchen, along with a fresh...

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Why What You're NOT Doing Matters emotional intelligence game changing habits strategic planning for business

Every day, we take score—consciously or unconsciously.

There's a moment (often when we are attempting to go to sleep) when we decide if what we did that day was enough.

But how do we take score?

A lot of times, we're taking score based on the last few things that happened or maybe some...

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Rediscover Your Value: A Magical Evening from Last Year's Retreat ✨ emotional intelligence strategic planning for business the get it done business diva lifestyle

I wanted to share something special with you today. Last year at our Annual Reset Retreat, the ladies and I had an evening that was nothing short of magical.

Picture this: We’re seated around a beautifully set table with a large window overlooking the ocean .

The sun is setting, casting a...

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Your WINS: A Blueprint to Daily, Monthly, and Annual Successes emotional intelligence game changing habits strategic planning for business

Time, Overwhelm, and the P Word!

How many times have you lamented, “I am overwhelmed, have no time, and when I find some, it just slips away”? This sentiment resonates with countless ambitious women. Our ever-growing to-do list, endless responsibilities, and that nagging sense of...

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Your 5 Step Guide to Vision-Driven Monthly Planning for Business Growth guide strategic planning for business

The Power of Vision-Driven Strategic Planning

Strategies to Elevate Your Business Game and Achieve Monthly Momentum

The Compass of Your Business Journey for Growth

Having a clear vision is more than a mere want—it's a necessity for growth. Vision-Driven Strategic Planning is about knowing...

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