I've been sloppy about this. Have you? strategic planning for business

Fifteen years ago, I stood in front of a small group of women at the Women's City Club in Pasadena, armed with a flip chart and a message that would later become one of my most powerful presentations.

The premise was simple.


I spoke about how so many of us "accidentally" become...

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Are You Being Served? Why Asking Boldly Matters

Growing up, I was a big fan of the British sitcom Are You Being Served?—the one set in the fictional Grace Brothers department store.

The quirky staff always seemed more wrapped up in their own dramas than in helping their customers?

But it wasn't that they didn't care; it was just that...

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The "ONE Thing" Cheat Sheet | How to Unlock Daily, Weekly, and Quarterly Focus and Productivity

Today everything seems urgent and important, it's easy to get lost in a sea of tasks and to-do lists. But what if there was a way to cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters? Enter the "ONE Thing" Cheat Sheet—a powerful tool that can quickly shift the way you approach your...

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From Solopreneur to CEO: I Want It, I Like It, And I'm Going to Have It

My Grandma Ada was an almost six-foot-tall powerhouse of a woman. Together with her husband, shortly after they were married, they built a house. Everybody pitched in and helped; because of that, they called the house “Friendship.”

It was the perfect name. The milkman would come over...

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Just Tell Me What to Do: The Business Dilemma (and Why Drinking Through It Doesn't Work) strategic planning for business

It’s 10 am on a Sunday. I push the empty huevos rancheros plate to the side and pour the last drops of champagne into my glass. My husband, across the table, already has his trademark rum and Dr. Pepper in hand. I grab a two-liter bottle of red wine from the kitchen, along with a fresh...

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Obsession in Business: I Want It, I Like It, And I'm Going to Have It

Running a business demands a different level of discipline than having a job. It requires you to work both on and in your business, often doing tasks that don’t come naturally or that you may not enjoy, such as marketing, finances, sales, leadership, and strategic planning.

Passion is...

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Designing Your Winning Week: It Starts in Your Imagination designing winning environments

"I'm swamped." "There's just not enough time in the day." "I feel like I'm always putting out fires."

If these phrases sound familiar, you're not alone. As women in business, especially those juggling clients and growing teams, the struggle for time is real. But what if the solution isn't just...

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How I Overcame Suicidal Despair: My 5 Go-To Strategies for a Happier Life emotional intelligence

Despite facing depression and attempting suicide twice before the age of 21, I manage to live a happy life today by feeding myself daily with content that makes me feel good.  This way I fill up my emotional bank account and cultivate a mindset that embraces positivity without...

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Passion and Progress: How to Fuel Your Business Growth emotional intelligence game changing habits

Building a business, especially a small business, rests on the pillars of vision, action, and passion. Each of these elements is essential, not just in the start-up phase but in the day to day running of your business if you want to generate growth. 

Your passion most likely...

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Your Job is to Step on the Mat emotional intelligence

I arrive at the studio and unroll my mat. A few minutes later, the teacher walks into the room. She flips the switch to turn on the fluorescent lights, and we all jump to our feet. Each of us steps onto our mat. It doesn’t matter how well we did yesterday or the day before; we all know we...

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Why What You're NOT Doing Matters emotional intelligence game changing habits strategic planning for business

Every day, we take score—consciously or unconsciously.

There's a moment (often when we are attempting to go to sleep) when we decide if what we did that day was enough.

But how do we take score?

A lot of times, we're taking score based on the last few things that happened or maybe some...

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What If You Stopped Trying? emotional intelligence

Mark Manson's book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck*, brought to my attention how disempowering the word "try" is. 

I know for some people the title may feel offensive, but don’t judge a book by its cover. 

After reading Manson’s book, I realized that using the word...

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