Rediscover Your Value: A Magical Evening from Last Year's Retreat ✨ emotional intelligence strategic planning for business the get it done business diva lifestyle

I wanted to share something special with you today. Last year at our Annual Reset Retreat, the ladies and I had an evening that was nothing short of magical.

Picture this: We’re seated around a beautifully set table with a large window overlooking the ocean .

The sun is setting, casting a...

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The P-Word emotional intelligence

I hope you're ready to take on the world because today, we're diving into something big.

Yep, we're talking about that sneaky elephant in the room—the P-word. You know it as procrastination, but let's give it a fun twist and call it what it is: "the stuff I didn't do."

Fear is a master of...

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The 7/11 Rule: Assumptions, Fear, and Achieving Your Goals emotional intelligence

Did you know that neuroscientists at New York University and Harvard University found that we make up to eleven assumptions about someone within just seven seconds of meeting them? 

This is known as the 7/11 Rule (not to be confused with the convenience store).

Here are the assumptions they...

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Breaking Free: How One Woman Conquered Fear and Built a Million-Dollar Empire emotional intelligence the get it done business diva lifestyle

Fear can be sneaky can't it? It can show up as procrastination, over-busyness, or even addictions. It can hold us back in many sneaky and subtle ways.

As Susan Jeffers said in "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway," we fear beginnings, endings, change, staying stuck, success, failure, living, and...

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From Burnout to Bestseller about me game changing habits the get it done business diva lifestyle

Hey there, I'm Marianne (The Get it Done Diva),


The founder and dreamer behind The Women's Business Momentum Center

Just like you, I love what I do, and I am full of passion, ideas and ambition. It took me a while to harness it. When I first started out I would take a ton of action every...

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Unlock Your Peak Productivity Path: A Guide for Smart Ambitious Women designing winning environments game changing habits guide

Are you a smart, ambitious woman feeling lost in the world of productivity? If phrases like “I'm overwhelmed” or “I'm buried under busy tasks” resonate with you, you’re not alone. Countless women echo these sentiments daily.

Let's be real. You've probably had those...

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Your WINS: A Blueprint to Daily, Monthly, and Annual Successes emotional intelligence game changing habits strategic planning for business

Time, Overwhelm, and the P Word!

How many times have you lamented, “I am overwhelmed, have no time, and when I find some, it just slips away”? This sentiment resonates with countless ambitious women. Our ever-growing to-do list, endless responsibilities, and that nagging sense of...

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Your 5 Step Guide to Vision-Driven Monthly Planning for Business Growth guide strategic planning for business

The Power of Vision-Driven Strategic Planning

Strategies to Elevate Your Business Game and Achieve Monthly Momentum

The Compass of Your Business Journey for Growth

Having a clear vision is more than a mere want—it's a necessity for growth. Vision-Driven Strategic Planning is about knowing...

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